Monday, February 6, 2012

Food Porn

Sam Clifford, all around good bloke tweeted this afternoon, "Hey. Hey Jo. Hey. Hey. Hey hey hey hey hey. Heeeeeyyyyyyy. Jo. Jooooooooo. JO! HEY! HEY JO! HEY JOOO!!!" At first glance I wondered it was was virus but then curiousity got the better of me so I clicked the link and out folded the most glorious piece of food porn. I don't have a soul left to sell, so I'll just have to make this Darkest Chocolate Crepe Cake myself. Stay tuned.


  1. Yay I got a mention on your blog!

    That recipe does look amazing, doesn't it? What could be more delicious than a stack of crepes? Why, a stack of crepes covered in dark chocolate of course!

  2. Of course you did! Oh I'm absolutely intrigued by this recipe but it's probably due to the fact I'm quite partial to crepes filled with dark chocolate and strawberries.
